Paterson Consulting Inc. 2024 Constantinus International Award Nominee – National Champion of Canada

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(YourDigitalWall Editorial):- Medicine Hat, Alberta Oct 25, 2024 ( – Discovering Armenia through the International CMC Conference

One year ago, if someone had told me I’d be heading to Yerevan, Armenia, my response probably would have been, “Where is that, exactly?” Fast forward to 2024, and not only did I have the privilege of receiving the ICMCA Emerging Professional of the Year Award for CMC Alberta, but the company I co-founded, Paterson Consulting Inc., was nominated for the prestigious 2024 Constantinus International Award. Our project with Carbon OxyTech, an Alberta-based cleantech company, put us on the global consulting map. This was my cue to explore a culture and region unfamiliar to me, and what better way to do so than by participating in the International CMC Conference.

Bridging Cultures and Innovations

Before embarking on my Armenian adventure, I connected with the welcoming folks at IMC Armenia. Their theme for the event, “Digital Horizons: Bridging Innovations For a Sustainable Tomorrow,” was particularly resonant. Having recently delivered a keynote at Alberta’s First GovTech Hackathon on Productivity & Performance Hacks, I thought, why not tailor this talk for an international audience? The organizers agreed, and my role expanded to include a spot on a Global Panel titled “Transforming Industry with AI.”

First Impressions of Yerevan

Upon arriving in Armenia, I was struck by the vibrant juxtaposition of new construction and historic restoration throughout Yerevan. The city’s landscape spoke volumes about an emerging nation in transition. Luxury cars and professionally dressed locals shared the streets with overhead power lines and coin payphones–a testament to Yerevan’s blend of old and new. More importantly, I found the Armenians to be extraordinarily kind, eager to learn about my work in Canada, and open to sharing their own stories and insights. One Armenian consultant even suggested pursuing a Ph.D., an intriguing idea that has now found a place on my bucket list.

Building Connections and Expanding Horizons

The conference was a melting pot of ideas and cultures. I had the opportunity to engage with industry leaders like Joseph Wozniak from the ITC, who shared insights on new EU regulations critical for conducting business internationally. Leonid Kirakosyan from McKinsey & Company offered valuable advice on client expectations amid digital transformation, while Lars Sudman and David Yang provided practical innovation strategies and future predictions on AI’s role in business & day-day life.

My Masterclass on Productivity & Performance Hacks was a highlight, drawing a packed room of consultants excitedly engaging in creative exercises. It was a reminder of the universal power of innovative thinking and the shared human desire for progress.

The Human Element in Technological Transformation

In conversations about technology and change, we often encounter two extremes–the idealists who see technology as a savior and the skeptics who fear it as a destroyer. I advocate for a pragmatic approach that balances innovation with the ‘human element.’ High-tech must be complemented by high-touch experiences because, as businesses become more automated, those that thrive will remain those that maintain a focus on people.

Taking a three-pillar approach–people, processes, and systems–can lead to effective change, while customized automation solutions empower employees to shift to more strategic roles. Optimizing both individual creativity and organizational efficiency.

Why Should Consultants Care?

For consultants, the integration of AI and real-time operational intelligence (RtOI) offers clear benefits. It provides quick wins for your clients, opens passive income streams for you, and supports the development of long-term strategies and client relationships. Implementing the right systems and processes can be transformative, turning resource constraints into opportunities for innovation.

Exploring Armenia’s Rich History

While in Yerevan, I took time to learn about Armenia’s profound history, including a visit to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. The story of the Armenian Genocide during World War I, which led to the loss of 1.5 million lives, was both tragic and eye-opening. It reminded me of the vastness of history often overlooked in our education systems and the importance of engaging with the world beyond our textbooks.

The True Wealth of Travel

At the Constantinus Award & Gala Dinner, Paterson Consulting Inc. was awarded the National Champion of Canada and our project made it through the first two rounds into the Top Six Consulting Projects of 2024.

Travel is a powerful teacher. In one week of exploring Armenia, I gained insights and experiences that far exceeded what any year of study could offer. If nothing else, travel enriches us by expanding our perspectives and deepening our understanding of the world.

To all emerging professionals, technology innovators, management consultants, business professionals, and travel enthusiasts–dare to see the world. You never know what lessons await in the less-trodden corners of the globe. Traveling not only enhances your personal and professional life but also makes you richer in the most meaningful ways

Enjoy your travels, and here’s to the adventures that lie ahead.

Wesley Paterson, CMC & President of Paterson Consulting Inc.

See full project details at –

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Transforming Industry with AI  Global PanelInternational CMC Conference  SpeakerMasterclass  Productivity  Performance Hacks

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Paterson Consulting Inc.

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41 Sierra Green SW

Paterson Consulting Inc.
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41 Sierra Green SW



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