‘The Greatest’ by Lirikill is an engaging course of hip-hop with hardcore vibes

Rising hip-hop talent Lirikill scratches his name as a worthy contender by sharing an important message of self-belief in his latest hitting track ‘The Greatest’.

The Greatest

An underground rapper from Asheville, NC who is creating ripples in the industry with his energetic performances is AJ Sisson aka Lirikill. Presenting his exquisite qualities to resonate with the hip-hop audience, the rapper has recently released his new track ‘The Greatest that employs smart rap flows and lyrical hooks to captivate the listeners. The artist offers a strong punch to the track with his weighty vocals and introduces his abilities as a fluent storyteller by showcasing his beliefs and understanding of what matters in life. The song carries a deeply personal and relatable underlining message and the rapper makes it all more engaging with his hardcore style.

Lirikill developed his knack for songwriting at the age of 13 and drew his inspiration from Eminem, Chris Webby, Big Sean, and NF to craft his musical identity. The talented and dynamic rapper drives with the vision to offer something refreshing to the genre and has already gained a lot of momentum with his relatable artwork. The latest single ‘The Greatest’ is a fast and flashy hip-hop composition that focuses on him being the greatest at almost everything he has pursued regardless of other’s perceptions.

Hear out the track on Spotify now:


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Anna Abbott

I am Anna Abbott and I give “Digital Wall” an insight into the most recent news hitting the “Entertainment” sector . I have been an independent PR adviser for over 11 years in the city and in recent years turned my experience in music and passion for journalism into a full time role. <strong>Address:</strong> 661 Station Street, Fremont, CA 94536, USA <strong>Phone:</strong> (+1) 510-936-8074 <strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]

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