Well-Known Author Avery Emerson Lee’s Romantic New Novel ‘THE MUSE’ Fills Your Heart with Positive Vibes

Seasoned American author Avery Emerson Lee channels his truest emotions into a brilliantly weaved narrative ‘THE MUSE’ depicting an unimaginable love story.

Avery Emerson Lee

Gifted author Avery Emerson Lee presents a story of love lost and found in his incredible new book, THE MUSE. The book is available in both Kindle and Paperback versions on Amazon. The main characters are William Jefferson Dupree and Betsy Marie. The couple falls in love in the summer of 1979. Their relationship ends after six months when William leaves, to go on a tour with his country music band. Meanwhile, Betsy finds out that she is pregnant and begins her search for her lost love. I was taken aback by the flow of the storyline that is extremely gripping and addictive. The author has a way of writing that keeps you hooked.

The thriving Tennessee-based author has already published five novels and will be releasing three more very soon. One of the most popular novels by the author is ‘William Jefferson Dupree and Betsy Marie: THE MUSE’ and it features an intense storyline that is bound to keep the readers on their edge. I loved the articulate yet easy-to-understand narrative that made the story much more relatable and heartwarming for the readers. Avery Emerson Lee tantalizes the readers with his new story of love lost and found making it seem impossible at times. The book is available on Amazon. Find him on Facebook and Instagram for more information.

Book is Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1702112977/

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Anna Abbott

I am Anna Abbott and I give “Digital Wall” an insight into the most recent news hitting the “Entertainment” sector . I have been an independent PR adviser for over 11 years in the city and in recent years turned my experience in music and passion for journalism into a full time role. <strong>Address:</strong> 661 Station Street, Fremont, CA 94536, USA <strong>Phone:</strong> (+1) 510-936-8074 <strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]

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