Kevin C. Browne, the New Milford Pop Singer delivers interestingly exceptional yet smoothly-weaved latest music project ‘I Wish I Knew -Remastered’.
Initially melodic in its ambiance and delicacy, the artist soon impresses with its vocal character and expression. With the mixing of poetic imagery and personal references, as the hook kicks in, the track takes on a completely new presence and persona. Kevin C. Browne promises an exceptional balance of accessible, classic pop and the defiantly more distinct angle of poetic analogy and imagery, the musician captures attention for its title and holds onto that attention with the authentic vehemence of the writing and production. Deeply atmospheric pop composition meets with breezy and soulful vocals for a rock-fused single ‘I Wish I Knew -Remastered’, which is as energetic as it is mood-setting and finally boosting. The tracks tell the story of sitting on a hillside pondering does she loves you for real. Hoping the words someday will be said “You will always be mine”.
The United States-based New Milford Pop Singer has produced several majestic traps like ‘Vintage Carolina Christmas Snow’, ‘Sugar Blues Reimagined’, ‘Leaving Me So Lonely’, and ‘The Age of Robots’ which have managed to gather the attention of music enthusiasts across the world. All of the magnificent music traps are available on several online streaming platforms such as SoundCloud, Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, and YouTube. The arrangement is stunning, expressive yet gentle and versatile, and even powerful when required. Balancing a strong groove and classic boosting chord pattern, the style ultimately akin to the likes of melody revolves around its depth and meandering verses with bright, beautiful, and catchy verses. Kevin C. Browne delivers an unmistakable vocal style. Eclecticism is a key part of the pop artist profile and the artist seems to have mastered that in a subtle yet effective way throughout the latest project ‘I Wish I Knew -Remastered’. If you do not want to miss out on any information about the gigantic talent do not forget to follow the artist on Instagram, X, and Facebook.
Visit to hear this song ‘I Wish I Knew -Remastered’ by Kevin C. Browne: