This is quite a certain thing that every one of us has got a unique journey of our own. For example, Farrah Abraham started his career by working in pornography, and very much around the same time she was playing her role in the Teen Mom that was from MTV. On the other hand, Amber Portwood started delving deep into the philosophy of Ancient Greek.
Off late she had a candid conversation with the news and media outlet Page Six, where it was shared by Amber that for her a monumental occasion was marked by her 30th birthday.
It was quite an opportunity that she got so that she could begin a new chapter of her life that will mark a great start. In the interview the words that she shared with the reporters, it has been said by Amber that she always contemplated the fact that it is the best thing to do to educate oneself if somebody wants to grow for that matter and move on and take the next step into the future. Amber Portwood Is A Huge Fan Of Stoic Philosophy – She’s Changing Her Life.
It has been claimed by Amber that she is very much into philosophy and philosophers at this moment. She exclaims the fact she was touched the most by one particular post made by Aristotle. The quote goes like this and says ‘the roots of education are bitter, but its fruits are sweet’.
It has been said by Amber to the reporters of Page Six that the quote that is mentioned above has resonated with her really well.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B43K4rQpdA7/. Here is a link to the Instagram post that is shared by her.
Speaking about her past, the temper of Amber has landed her in very big trouble quite a few times with many different individuals, as she has also spent a brief stint in jails. It is for this very reason she has found out that the Stoics are welcome in her life as they have been incredibly helpful. She also specifically mentioned their emphasis on the ways to control oneself and also the fact concerning the way they are handling themselves in the face of tremendous chaos.
It has also been stated by Portwood that Epictetus happens to be one of her favorite philosophers who belongs from the second century. According to Amber, one of the best quotes by the great philosopher Epictetus that is coming from him is that there is an idea that a person is unable to control what is going on around them but the only thing that is there in their control is the way they are responding to those things that are going around.
It can also be put differently in a way that the person must not focus on the things that are out of their control but rather they must focus on the things which they can control. It has also been said by Amber that a lot more sense is made when the quote is coming from a different person because in some way or the other she always knew that it is going to be true.
Anytime, an aphorism or a new idea comes across to Amber’s mind she always tries hard to think of how it is going to be applied to her very own life.
Amber further went on and mentioned the likes of the great Marcus Aurelius who has been the closest person to the Philosopher King of Plato to have ever existed. It has been noted by the reality star that Marcus has also been a stoic philosopher but a previously held belief has been reaffirmed creatively as he was also the Roman emperor during one of the greatest periods in history.