Porsha Williams is trying to calm her stressed fans and followers on social media by messaging them and sharing continuous posts on her wall. She is keeping up with her worried fans via the Dish Nation show as now she can work from home. Porsha Williams Is Doing Her Best To Ease The Stress For Her Fans Amidst The Global Crisis with the help of the show and regular updates on social media.
She posted a picture with a message. She sent her love and hugs to each one of his supporters and told everyone to watch the new episodes at Dish Nation.
A fan told her admitting to her that her child too follows her everywhere, even doesn’t leave the bathroom out of that list. She will lock him out from now on.
Another one posted saying locking kids out of the bathroom is not safe as some mischievous kids even put their fingers under the door. Her child does that when she is in the bathroom.
There are some gratitude floating around the social networks for spreading good vibes through such difficult time. She is really doing well to let the love spread. Others prayed that things soon become like old times. Everyone should be a warrior at this tough situation.
Porsha Williams finds it mandatory to maintain social distancing, so she is now working from home. She shoots for the show from her house and keeps on sharing pictures on social media to show off her new workplace and astonishing work outfits. She tells everyone every time on her show to avoid social gathering and keep oneself safe at home. Social distancing and keeping inside your house will save you from the COVID-19 virus.