Writing a press release headline can be better if you focus on the key points of the story and write the headline after you have written the press release.
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]riting a press release for a business first requires you to understand the importance of optimizing the content so that it can effectively announce a company’s achievement or event. Improving the content headline increases the visibility of the press release immediately, which is one of the major aims of writing PR (Press Release) content. A better headline attracts the attention of readers, so, you can reach a larger audience pool. Writing a better PR headline also helps you attract leads while building brand awareness.
What is a PR Headline?
Press releases are written documents that are typically created by Public Relations experts. These announce any important or newsworthy event or achievement. They are also excellent communication and effective promotional tools. A press release headline is the title of the content that presents the summarized version of what the document is about. A headline is something that the reader initially looks at and decides whether to read the entire story. So, you need an attractive headline if you want your raiders to get engaged and intrigued by your announcement.
Tips for Writing a PR Headline
- Remember Your Audience –
To write a better headline you need to first understand who you are writing the content for. Your press release is for journalists, media editors, and those who are in a position to give the news media coverage. This is quite obvious, but it is important to mention as your headline needs to speak to your target audience. The headline should be written with this very specific audience in mind. If the reporters do not see value in the headline, they will ignore the content altogether and move to the next.
- Using Numbers –
Using numbers in the headlines of news releases is probably the oldest trick in the book but works every time! If you can enhance the announcement by adding statistics, or any number that can quantify your information, make sure to add them in the body, and of course the headline. When you add numbers, you help the readers to get across the information easily. Moreover, it attracts their attention.
- Go by the Grammar Rules –
When you are writing a PR headline, some handy grammar rules you can apply to enhance them. While writing a headline, certain degrees of flexibility can be used, especially when it comes to tenses. Something that has happened in the past can be written in the present tense in the headline. This is applicable especially when you are announcing either a product launch, a new hire, or a partnership. All these incidents have happened in the past but you can write them in the present tense as they are news. You can also apply the smart use of punctuation so your readers can have it easy.
- Avoid Promotional Language or Tone –
Press releases are formal. They are also informational. Even though they are great promotional tools, you cannot be upfront about it. If the journalists get that it is advertising content right from the start, they will lose interest and pass on it. So, you need to apply the 5W (who-what-when-why-where) approach surely applies here. But you need to be careful about telling them why they need to buy the product or service. You cannot be upfront.
- Writing the Headline Last –
It might sound unusual, but writing the press release headline last actually does work. If you start with writing the content first, you might get stuck at the very first. On the other hand, if you have your story ready, you already know what the event is and what is important in the content. You already have all the facts in your hands, so, it would be easier to emphasize the most important facts and craft your headline.
Last but not least, try humor but make sure that you are really careful with the comedic twists. After all, it is an official announcement not a social media post!