If you are looking for alternative treatment for your regular cold or flu symptoms then here are fourteen tips that might help you battle the germs. Check it out.

Viruses are responsible for flu and colds, so antibiotics are not always able to prevent or cure these illnesses. Much rest and fluids can help relieve symptoms. The research on using replacement for home remedies for cold and flu is mixed. Still, few people depend on natural remedies for cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, headache, fatigue, body aches, and watery eyes.
If you are looking for alternative and natural treatment for your cold or flu symptoms here are a few tips for you that may help you –
- Know the right time to react to the symptoms
It is important to understand the right time to treat your symptoms. Believe it or not, the irritating symptoms you are experiencing are part of the natural healing session proving that the immune system is fighting illness. For example, a fever is the way of the body to give an attempt of killing viruses by creating a hotter environment than usual. Also, the hot environment of fever makes germ-killing proteins in your blood circulation instantly and effectively. So if you suffer a mild fever for a day or more you may recover faster.
Well, coughing is another symptom that clears your breathing spaces of thick mucus which can bind germs to your lungs and the rest of your body. It is best if you treat your stuffy nose mildly or not at all.
- Blow Your nose in the right way (frequently)
Believe it or not, blowing your nose regularly when you are suffering from a cold rather than mucus back into your head. But if you blow hard force can carry germ-baring phlegm back into your ear passages, causing earache. One of the best ways to blow your nose, put a finger over one nostril pressing while you blow the other one gently to clear that one.
- Salt water may come to rescue the stuffy nose
Well, salt-water rinsing helps to break up nasal congestion while removing the particles of viruses and bacteria from your nose. The popular recipe is here for you:
Take ¼ teaspoon baking soda and ¼ teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of previously boiled water into the nose. Hold one nostril closed while applying light finger pressure when you apply the salt mixture to the other nostril. Leave it draining, repeat for two or three times then do the same to the other nostril.
- Try to get rest
It is best if you stay warm in rest when you first experience a cold or flu. It helps your body to gather energy for an immune battle. This battle takes a lot of energy from the body, so consider having a little rest.
- Gargle more often
If you gargle more often it can moisten a sore throat and can offer you temporary relief. Do it with half a teaspoon of salt mixed with 8 ounces of warm water four times regularly. To decrease the irritation in your throat you can try an astringent gargle like tea that has tannin to make the membranes tight enough. Or you can use a viscous and thick gargle built with honey or honey blended with apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice in two cups of warm water. Then give it a good stir with one tablespoon of honey. Leave the mixture to cool at room temperature before gargling.
- Have hot liquids
You will require a lot of warm drinks when you come down with a cold or flu to keep you hydrated and help you lose mucus. Warm liquids like tea or chicken soup (old standby) are especially good for nasal congestion and they soothe the uncomfortably swollen membranes that put a line in your nose and throat.
- The steamy shower might help
Steamy showers can offer warmth and humidity. It moisturizes your nasal passages and helps you to relax. If you feel a little dizzy from the flu, you can go for a steamy shower as you sit on the chair closely and have a sponge bath. A cool mist vaporizer closer to your bed has a similar effect.
- Salve under your nose
A little dab of salve under your nose can help you to open breathing passages and it soothes the irritated skin at the base of the nose. Eucalyptus, menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor all have severe numbing elements that may help you get relieve the pain of a rubbed nose. Don’t put it inside your nose, apply it only on the outside or under your nose.
- Apply cold or hot packs around your sinuses
Any temperature helps. You can purchase reusable cold or hot packs from any drug store or make it on your own. You can also apply heat by taking a damp washcloth and heating it for around 55 seconds in a microwave, however, test the temperature first to make sure it is not too hot. A small pouch of frozen peas helps well as a cold pack.
- Use an extra pillow under your head when going to bed
Well, keeping up your head will help you relieve your congested nasal passages. If the angle is not so comfortable then try placing the pillows between the box springs and mattress to build a less awkward slope.
- Avoid flying unless it is an emergency
Stressing out your upper respiratory system will be a dumb move while suffering from a cold or flu. There is no point in doing that if not there is any emergency. Well. Flying with flu or cold congestion can damage your eardrums as an outcome of pressure changes during landing and takeoff. If you have a fly during this situation then a decongestant and a nasal spray might help you. Don’t forget to carry them with you while flying. Or you can chew gum and swallowing often can offer relief.
- Eat immunity-boosting foods
Have good foods to fight the bad cold or flu, like:
- Vitamin C-loaded foods like bell peppers are effective.
- Carrots contain beta-carotene.
- Chili peppers may help open sinuses and break up mucus in the lungs.
- Mustard may help.
- Black and green tea offer catechin, a phytochemical that helps with natural antibiotic and antidiarrheal effects.
- Rice and bananas soothe an upset stomach.
- Onions have phytochemicals that affect your body in bronchitis and other infections.
- Supplements and herbs
Plenty of people are using these products for relief from their cold and flu indications. Experts state that natural cold and flu remedies are safe at least if it is taken in normal doses by healthy adults. But consulting your doctor before taking any medicine can affect you. However, there is mixed evidence. Let’s learn:
- Echinacea
- Vitamin C
- Garlic
- Andrographis
- Elderberry
- Zinc
- Ginseng
- Don’t spread
Last but not least, when you are taking care of yourself, you don’t spread the germs to other people. Remember to cover your mouth with a tissue or a handkerchief while coughing and sneezing. Wash your hands with hand wash for at least 20 seconds.
Shortly, serious cases like bronchitis, meningitis, asthma, and sinus infections may seem like regular colds. If you are suffering from serious symptoms or not getting better, take the help of clinical doctors.