Naimation Continues to Captivate Audiences with Cartoons and Animations


Naimation: Bangladesh’s Professional Young Cartoonist, 2D Animator, and Painter Reaches Global Audiences with Viral Content

(YourDigitalWall Editorial):- Buffalo, New York Jun 30, 2024 ( – Md Jannatul Naim, widely recognized on social media as Naimation, is making significant waves in the cartoon and animation industry. Born on October 16, 1997, in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Naimation has established himself as a professional cartoonist, animator, and painter whose works resonate deeply with audiences worldwide. His cartoons and animations are visually captivating and imbued with messages that address important societal issues. This unique blend of artistry and advocacy has earned him a dedicated following on platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

Cartoon on “Abrar’s Murder” Highlights Social Issues

One of Naimation’s most impactful works is his cartoon addressing the tragic “murder of Abrar Fahad” in Bangladesh in 2019. This cartoon went viral, striking a chord with viewers for its poignant portrayal of the incident and its commentary on social injustice. The cartoons were then featured in the news of many national TV channels. Through his art, Naimation sheds light on significant issues, using his platform to provoke thought and inspire change.

Viral Sensations: “Cat in Blender” and “Love is Real, Love is Fake”

Naimation’s talent for creating engaging and thought-provoking animations is evident in his viral hits “Cat in Blender” and “Love is Real, Love is Fake.” These 2D animations have garnered millions of views on YouTube and Facebook, captivating audiences with their unique style and compelling narratives. “Cat in Blender” creatively addresses the topic of animal cruelty, while “Love is Real, Love is Fake” explores the complexities of relationships in a modern context.

Animation: A Blend of Creativity and Innovation

As an animator, Naimation excels in crafting visually stunning and emotionally resonant animations. His work is characterized by a distinctive style that blends humor, drama, and a touch of surrealism. Each animation is a testament to his creativity and technical prowess, showcasing his ability to bring characters and stories to life in a way that captivates viewers.

You can visit his Facebook page to see his cartoons and animations made by him.

Painting: A Canvas for Expressing Deep Emotions

In addition to his work in cartoons and animation, Naimation is an accomplished painter. His paintings, which often explore themes of identity, emotion, and societal issues, are a powerful reflection of his artistic vision. Each piece is a fusion of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes, inviting viewers to delve into the deeper meanings behind the artwork. Naimation’s paintings have been featured in various exhibitions, earning him recognition as a multifaceted artist.

You can visit his Art channel to see his paintings.

Upcoming Projects

Naimation is excited to announce several upcoming projects, including new animation releases. After the success of his previous “Love is Real, Love is Fake Part 1 and Part 2, He has now started making Part 3. His forthcoming works promise to continue his tradition of blending artistry with social commentary, offering viewers both entertainment and food for thought.

Join Naimation’s Artistic Journey

Fans and art enthusiasts are invited to follow Naimation’s journey through his social media channels and website. There, they can stay updated on his latest projects and enjoy a firsthand look at his innovative works. Naimation’s dedication to his craft and his unique artistic voice continue to inspire and engage audiences around the globe.

For more information about Md Jannatul Naim (Naimation) and his work, visit [] or follow him on social media at @Naimation. For any inquiries or to schedule an interview, please contact [[email protected]].

About Naimation

Md Jannatul Naim, known professionally as Naimation, is a talented cartoonist, animator, and painter from Chittagong, Bangladesh. Born on October 16, 1997, he has gained widespread recognition for his innovative approach to visual storytelling and his impactful commentary on social issues. Naimation’s work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and has amassed a significant following on social media.




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