It is not unknown that the earth is also surviving just like humans on it and only technologies can help to bring a change in this ragged world that is slowly decaying.
The constant evolution of technology in this digital age is putting Mother Earth in big chaos. While there are many latest developments taking place, the adverse effects of global warming are also becoming more visible with each passing year. Considering the jeopardy, almost every other industry has embarked on sustainable practices that can help to foster a greener future with less carbon emission and footprint in the environment. In order to save nature, many latest innovations have taken place that pave the way for a fruitful future where humans and nature can grow side by side while depending on each other. Let’s take a better look at the top 8 technologies that actually have the potential to save the earth in the coming days.
- Solar Glass
Solar Panels are not new as the trial and error methods of utilizing renewal energy started a long ago and solar panels are being installed in many places around the world in order to generate energy from sunlight. Taking this innovation to a notch higher, scientists have come up with solar glass which is transparent unlike the panels yet capable of generating energy through sunlight. Think of the glass-covered huge skyscrapers, what if the whole building is generating energy? It means it can be installed in the vertical established and without taking any extra space on ground; it can generate a huge amount of energy every day.
Solar glass also comes with a higher rate of efficiency with around 25% more than solar panels. The development took place with research conducted by a team at the University of Michigan where they developed the solar glass product which can offer 15% more efficiency while letting 50% of the sunlight pass through. There is around 5 to 7 billion Sq. meters of window space available in Michigan and utilizing them can help produce up to 40% of the total energy demand in the USA.
- Graphene
Graphene is very unique metal-like material which stronger than steel yet light and things like paper possess superconductive power like copper. It was discovered in 2004 by the University of Manchester. This material is nothing but an ultra-thin layer of graphite which is best known for its unique abilities. Right after bronze, steel, iron, and silicone; graphene has the capability to take over that world. It is just one atom thick, transparent, and flexible enough to be in any experiment. It can be used as a superconductor and it can be also used for water filtration. It can transfer energy at greater distances without any risk of overheating. Its high efficiency and unique features can help to establish a green rebirth.
- Plastic Based on Plant
One of the biggest concerns for nature protection is the increasing use of plastic. It is also fairly impossible it completely omit it from life as it has become part of daily life only. Since you cannot reduce the usage of plastic, you can start using plant-based plastics which are bio-degradable in nature, and go back to nature without staying intact for years and years. The use of plastic bags has been greatly reduced from the market with a greater encouragement for paper bags.
The plant-based plastic is developed by an Indonesian company called Avani Eco which has been producing plant-based plastics since 2014 and a decade has passed already. Bio-plastic is one of the biggest innovations in the history of science. However, not all bio-plastics are capable of degrading over time. Recycling plastic is also a great way of maintaining its overall quality.
- Not So Real Meat
Have you heard of fake meat? Meat-lovers might get angry but the truth is, real meat production causes a lot of pollution and demands a lot of land for farming. According to statistical reports, it takes around 164 square meters of grazing land in order to produce 100 grams of beef. This is also one of the leading causes of deforestation in South America. According to The Food and Agriculture Organization, livestock farming is responsible for adding 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
All of these problems can be solved with fake meat which is plant-based and not a part of the vegan agenda. It is quite tasty and culturally popular which makes it acceptable to all. Companies like Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, etc are also producing fake meat to promote sustainability.
- Battery Technology
Power is one of the greatest assets of green technology and when it comes to power, batteries a play vital role in it. In this digital age, every industry is shifting towards electricity rather than using fossil fuels as it is almost to an end. Relying on electricity more, electronic vehicles, planes, and boats have emerged in the market and require a huge storage of electric power for it. That is where battery comes into play as without battery, no device, tool, or vehicle can operated. Considering its need and high demand, a lot of companies have already started creating custom electric batteries.
- Sensors for Environmental Study
In order to save the planet, you need to monitor and understand the earth’s condition first and that is why, scientists are always coming up with new innovations and environmental sensors which can offer more accurate updates regardless of the climate condition. Other than just predicting floods and earthquakes, these modern sensors also offer more critical insights on plate movements, climate diversity, decay of the ozone layer, amount of melted ice caps, and many others. Sensors help to get the numbers that define the problem and help to find the cause.
- Smart Grid
Power production and distribution are largely dependent on the power infrastructure. The power grids are highly sensitive and fluctuations are pretty common in this case. However, high demand and overproduction make it prone to attack. The power grids do not utilize renewable energy and therefore, smart grids are being developed where it can take power directly from sunlight or wind. Smart power grids are continuously evolving and scientists believe that the smart grids can help to reduce carbon footprint by 58% within 2030.
- Carbon Capture
Too much carbon in the air is the leading cause of global warming and many other disastrous scenarios. What if you can capture it from the air and utilize it for our own benefit? With the latest ideas and practices of Carbon Capture and Storage, it is possible to fixate carbon in soil or be absorbed by the trees. Carbon-capture plants are now being utilized all over the world top which helps to reduce the amount of carbon in the air.
Some of the other exceptional technologies are nuclear fission, Open AI and its diverse applications, AR and VR, and many others. These technologies are also important for sustenance. However, when it comes to saving the earth, not all technologies are going to save the earth but there will be a fair contribution.