The new foray by Rockstar alongside the Wild West has already been released on every platform out there for over a month. The feedback is all appreciation and accolades from various gaming communities across the globe. The PC version, however, tells a different story altogether based on the collected reviews and feedbacks.
Of all the platforms on which Red Read Redemption 2 was released on PC, only one such platform is allowing gamers to convey their concerns and complaints regarding the game to other fellow gamers. The game initially launched on Epic Games Store and Rockstar Games Launcher but neither has the permissibility of allowing gamers to share their gaming experiences with other fellow players. However, of all the platforms, There Is One Platform Where PC Gamer’s Can Review Red Dead Redemption 2, And It Isn’t Pretty.
Steam’s official store page in dedication to Red Dead Redemption 2 is in a complete commotion. There are a total of 39,036 review posts out of which 67% posts have recommended others to try out the game title. The report is very different from the news that has been going around the gaming fraternity using various EGS and consoles including Rockstar that has hailed the game title as a commercial success. Such an unexpected result as deduced from the review post has an explanation and is fixable. It is just that Rockstar has still not decided upon increasing their promotional impetus in collaboration with the Steam platform.
For someone who has completed playing the entire game title will know for sure that their thematic storyline and character build-up are in many cases superior in comparison to other titles from various game studios over the years. The central story of Red Dead Redemption 2 has Arthur Morgan, the cynical wildman forcing his demeanor and standards into becoming civilized. The background score is supremely commendable along with dynamic pacing along the entirety of the game. The one title unexplained thematic drawback of the game is where the gamer washes up on a shore and is put into a deliberately placed railroad shoothouse segment lasting over two hours.
The complaint that Steam users have come up with the most is that the game title is severely twitching and showing progression issues on their machines. Some of the most repetitive issues remain the crashing of the game into the desktop, dropping frames bellow 60, stuttering, and twitching even if the high-end hardware setting is set to medium. The issues are repeating so much so that gamers have reported that they are being able to get only about an hour of uninterrupted gameplay underway although, reports say many have undertaken ten hours of constant gameplay.
This is frustrating for anyone playing the game. Moreover, after quitting out of the title, if the Rockstar Launcher is kept open, the game timer does not stop there. This becomes an immense problem for players who are attempting trouble-shoot will fall far beyond the refund window.
However, those who were able to get through the game without any technical issues have only praised the impressive content and visuals of the game. Others have escalated their issues to Rockstars Support raising tickets and waiting for them to revere back with their fixes.
With a meta-critic score of Red Dead Redemption 2 at an impressive 93, the story collected by various reviews on Steam has a whole other different story to tell. Storefronts will hopefully consider the difference of opinions between the gamers and the critics.