‘The Fjords on Fire’ Written by Bjørn Bonde Will Transcend Readers to the Land of Fantasy

Influenced by the historical lands of the Viking North and their culture, author Bjørn Bonde has gifted his reader his first published work ‘The Fjords on Fire’.

Bjørn Bonde

Talent alone can never achieve the highest stature, hard work and determination need to be in the mix as well and that is exactly what happened to the profound author Bjørn Bonde. His passion for writing has always been a part of his life and his venture into nurturing this talent started when he was in his teenage years. Even though he had been writing for a long period of time he did not publish any of his works but recently, for two years he had become extra-focused on his first Novelette The Fjords on Firewhich creates a gateway to the unique world of the Skjaldborg Sagas. The book narrates the story of a Viking farmer Freydis Bonde and her evolution to become a heroine while navigating through a series of deep bonds, challenging trials, and personal growth.

The Skjaldborg Sagas are about journeys, discovery, emotions, connections, loss, and celebration and this book resonates with these feelings through the protagonist’s journey which unfolds raw emotions, profound tragedy, and exhilarating glory. The author Bjørn Bonde through his book ‘The Fjords on Fire’ wanted to deliver a message to his readers that this book has created a new and unique world based on traditional Viking history and mythology, with references to archaeological and mythical sagas which is historical yet fantastical. The author is not just about writing but he is also into music production and is working on his first screenplay for the Skjaldborg Sagas.

The book is available on Amazon:


Anna Abbott

I am Anna Abbott and I give “Digital Wall” an insight into the most recent news hitting the “Entertainment” sector . I have been an independent PR adviser for over 11 years in the city and in recent years turned my experience in music and passion for journalism into a full time role. <strong>Address:</strong> 661 Station Street, Fremont, CA 94536, USA <strong>Phone:</strong> (+1) 510-936-8074 <strong>Email:</strong> [email protected]

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