More details have been dished out to the fans by Blizzards as six months have already passed after the announcement of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands regarding the expansion that is coming up today in one of the developer’s update.
The PvP scene might be revived by one huge change and that is the addition of a currency that is familiar called the Conquest Points. All those points were in a fine form before it was changed by Blizzard to a gear system of RNG PvP. The PvP Scene In World Of Warcraft Might Be Back After Change To Conquest Points.
For participating in encounters of PvP, Conquest Points are rewarded that happens to be the upper-level currency. The encounters take place in the form of ranked arena combat, rated battlegrounds, Ashran, and Random Battlegrounds. The PvP currency of the lower level that is gained from the non-rated battlegrounds and the PvP of the general world is instead awarded in the form called Honors Point.
In the latest expansions that have happened, certain changes have been made recently after that where the game has been quit by multiple active PvPers while responding to the fact that Blizzard has made the game a slugfest of RNG. In place of being dexterous or skillful enough for working towards a solution of acquiring the currency and hence being able to purchase the desired item, one has to go through quite a lot of slot machines that come in multiple numbers that begin to feel like the burden of a task.
To help things to move further, one of the best ways to acquire an item is no longer present there and it has been added with titan forged, war forged, corrupted, and various other types of systems that are considered even if you happen to get an item. It may so happen that somebody may be lucky enough and has already rolled in the same kind of item which has already been upgraded to a version that is even more powerful.
Multiple pleas have been raised for changing the system keeping in mind its functioning aspects and allow the PvPers to have a clear and safe way to go ahead and acquire loot. In the latest expansion of WoW which is called the Battle of Azeroth, the initial system that was there was very much broken as well. But after a barrage of feedback that came in endlessly, Blizzard was wise enough to listen to the community finally and took steps to improve upon the existing loot system. But whatever improvement that was made was sufficient enough to go about the work.
Furthermore, Blizzard is also into going for changes while testing the changes made to spellbooks and also concerning talents for all the classes, which is frankly becoming quite a dull process in the expansions that are taking place recently. Most of the class-defining abilities are pruned away very much in favor of a kit that has standardized and has got regeneration or a defensive tool, an interrupt, and a dash.
If words are kept by Blizzard and the promised changes are delivered, WoW might sneak in and return to the glory enjoyed by it formerly during the period of Wrath of the lich king era which happens to be the only expansion that is regarded very highly by the major part of those in PvPers.
There has been news about The World of Warcraft: Shadowlands alpha which is supposed to be released very soon but because of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team that has been working on it has transitioned itself to a setup that is work from home, that has got certain drawbacks. The team has not geared up yet for any kind of release to the public that happens to be a playable version.
There has been no such indication so far that the team of Blizzard will not go to any length and deliver the finished version by the end of the year 2020. However, we are keeping our fingers crossed.